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Joined on Apr 2, 2012
Status Level: Newbie
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12-Year Club
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"I don't understand why. Maybe I'm just insane."
"I don't know what to do, so I'm saying hi. My pop-tart tastes like mac-and-cheese. Okay."
"And Hi Azy!"
"Oh good! I was worried everyone would be like, "Ew..." xD"
"We're so cool, Anastasia. x3 I saw the question and I'm like.. No.. xD"
"Most newbs? I hope that is a good thing. xD FMA."
"Sorry! Ahaha, I didn't know there were other Americans who knew what jrock was/is. And good-bye! BLEACH IS THE BOMB DIGGITY."
"Alana, I hope they are too! Hahaha, I'm such a newbie.. xD"
"WAIT. It's just page 2. Okay, one sec. xD And I love Anime! I can't draw it, but I love to was Bleach and stu"
"Jrock is good! I'm not the biggest fan of it, and I haven't listened to DEG, but jrock's okay. I live in America, if that makes any differen..."
"I promise not to annoy you. :3 HI TAKOS. It's nice to meet you too. c:"
"Hi Heph! And of course I love puppies!"
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