xMirrorThronex's Profile
Joined on Dec 22, 2010
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
14-Year Club
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xMirrorThronex's Recent Posts
"Oh, lol, I just remembered that newbs can't put links. xD Okie brb I need to change accounts, lol what a dumb--- I am."
"WTF! -_- [no urls]"
"[no urls] LoL, my newest ones are: f---ed up acrylic painting Bowl of grapes Couple by a river"
"LoL, I'd posted five different pictures of paintings, I'll give you the link now just hold on a sec... Nice pic by the way, h"
"The coldest it's been here is like, 18-20 degrees. Hey, y'know I posted pics of my new paintings on deviant art? Cause lol, t"
"Well lol, that was the first idea that came to my mind so yah, but Idk if that's what people did. Fuk you timelimit. -_-"
"I know how, you make the thread, then click on your account and it'll be in the recent posts bit."
"Talking about the holidays, huh? It doesn't snow here either."
"I wasn't always a metaller lol, I used to like a bit of Pop, then it got old and I moved on, lol. And then I realized how sh1"
"LOL! I agree on that, Rofl. It's nice to know people from other countries though, ha ha. :) Ah well, I've gotta go eat lunch "
"Typo: Day not die lol."
"Oh ugh I know dude, same thing with brushes, buy a pack of twelve and throw them in the same die. lol. Ha ha thanks. :)"
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