Xerxes Cold's Profile


Xerxes Cold
Joined on Jan 30, 2014
Status Level: Newbie

Level-up Progress:
11-Year Club
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Xerxes Cold's Quizzes

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Xerxes Cold's Recent Posts

  • My name's not weird
  • My name's not weird
    "Demons are summoned not created. They can be born from nightmares and negative feelings, but nothing else magical."
  • My name's not weird
    "Why not? I'm good, just bored. Dad is busy hunting someone-or-other down, and Mom won't let me help her in her lab. *crosses arms, huffing* ..."
  • My name's not weird
    "I am a creature of magic so duh."
  • My name's not weird
    "*accepts lollipop* Thank you~ So where are you from? No its not."
  • My name's not weird
    "Yes, yes I do. That's not possible."
  • My name's not weird
    "I'm Xerxes. No. No you cannot. You were created?"
  • My name's not weird
    "Who exactly are you? Dad says it's normal, he went through the same phase. The freezing phase. It's so wonderful. "
  • My name's not weird
    "...hi? There's a 99% chance you'll freeze solid if you make contact with my skin, sorry. Well sorry."
  • My name's not weird
    "*blocks poke* Don't touch me, please. I don't really like them."
  • My name's not weird
    "Neither of those things are really that interesting."
  • My name's not weird
    "What's interesting?@Anri Oh, okay. Well, nice to meet you."
  • My name's not weird
    "Oh no you didn't just slap me. Coolio. I have no idea who that is, Selena."
  • My name's not weird
    "That's pretty cool. @ilovepuppyz"
  • My name's not weird
    "Why thank you~ Yo name is boring.:P"

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