Xander's Profile

Joined on Jun 20, 2013
Status Level: Advanced
Level-up Progress:
11-Year Club
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Xander's Recent Posts
"Caine: Okay. *smiles, whistling* Dairi: *there at the door, hand on sword* *bows* Princess Angel. Please follow me. "
"Caine: *snuggle cuddle* Harley's with his daughters.. And Twisted is crying over your son and some angel boy. *shrugs* I can call Dairi to t..."
"Caine: *hugs her back, inhaling her scent* *softly* Oh, Angel.. Ow! That hurt like a b----.. *grabs nose*"
"stop please Kyle help"
"Sorry, old man, but I'm pretty sure you aren't the king of awesome. It's more likely one of us."
"Maybe we're all just big kids in disguise. .o."
"Jamie: Okay.. *nibbles his finger* ~ *smile falls* *rubs face* Yeah, yeah. And everyone "
"Jamie: For who? o3o ~ I'm doing what's best for my family. Obviously, you wouldn't know anything about family,"
"Jamie: *little nod* *shifts feet* Now what? ~ Nivera. Fancy seeing you here. *grins* "
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