wywymitro's Profile

Joined on Jun 19, 2011
Status Level: Novice
wywymitro's Quizzes
- the ran- OMG something shiny![published: Jul 25, 2011]
This is the rando - Hey! Did you see that pelican with Nemo in it's mouth? No I did no - Well……
- What is Your Inner Animal???[published: Jun 20, 2011, 5 comments]
This is a quiz where you find your inner animal... I am not going to tell you which animals are in……
wywymitro's Recent Posts
"It sucks... who the heck is on your avatar? Gross! A naked lady?! Ur a crazy woman..."
"OMG Jack Sparrow even tho he isn't a celeb i dont care i lovvvvve him!!!!"
"Woozworld is so fun!!! Try it!!!"
"I LOVE POTC ALL OF 'EM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE IT!!!!"
"Go gfh012!!! JD ROCKS MY SOX OFF!!! Even tho i don't have sox on LOL"
"Why has no one said Johnny Depp?!!"
"Just watched Spirited Away! Read Princess Mononoke 1 yesterday. where get second?"
"I'm with Biance I'm a bit older than her!!!! Go buzz off Jillpaige15!"
"Elizabeth - POTC daring and funny"
"The title pretty much says it all. List your top three fave movies!"
"Why is your name fufe123?"
"Is anyone here for advice to give me??? How do you get an avatar..."
"I'm new..."
wywymitro's Recent Quiz Comments
"What is this quiz about? What the heck is bi? I think it means that you like only the opposite gender... right?"
1 -
"Um... IDK how many times but... I LOVE HIM!!"
1 -
"Love Jack! What does he walk like anyways? Also... what accent does he have?"
1 -
"Yes yes I got YES!!! Exept for the fact that that quiz was a piece of cake!!! "
1 -
"You don't need to be a rocket scientist to figure that out!!! LOL! I haven't even taken this quiz yes and I Will... no pun intended... get…"
1 -
"33% this quiz rots!!! >:("
1 -
"I got dead man's chest because I chose Jack everything"
1 -
"Pooh... I got Will... this rots... :("
1 -
"AGGGGG!!! The creator spelt SAVVY wrong!!!!"
1 -
"YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!! I LOVEEEE JD AND JS!!!"