WystericGirl's Profile

Joined on Feb 15, 2016
Status Level: Novice
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WystericGirl's Quizzes
- Would I Follow You On Instagram?[published: Feb 15, 2016, 1 comment]
People all over the world have downloaded the fantastic Instagram app that lets you post……
WystericGirl's Recent Posts
"Hey Raven/GG! This is _StarryEyedGirl_"
"Look at you horrified for a few minutes then offer you a taco :D"
"Look at you horrified for a few minutes then offer you a taco :D"
"I didn't think it could be true. I didn't want it to happen. I never meant to fall in love, especially not with you. But now I'm thinking of..."
"Slap you hard and then offer a taco."
"I have a doctors appointment at 9:00. Hoping that my mom sleeps late so I won't have to go. Ohh and TGIF! - How is everyone?"
"Hello Crae! (Sorry for late response) Just got back from having fondue :D"
"Going to get my hair dyed at 9:30"
"Officially 13! And I still look like s---"
"Goin out to lunch! :P"
"What do you mean? In terms of GTQ? I'm stargazer5660 I joined a little bit over a year ago, but then I switched to _starryeyed"
"So my sister moved out, my dad pushed my mom into a dresser, and everyone is fighting and screaming. Life is tough. - How bout"
"Your 11, right? It's probably just a crush."
"My friend Leah went to one of their concerts. Wish I could go to one but my mom wont let me :/"
WystericGirl's Recent Quiz Comments
""Orange fanta marshmallow snail"
Wtf XDP.S: I picked 'Um sure...we could take selfies everyday'
I love this quiz but im…"
1 -
"I have changed my Instagram to __Itz.Grace__"
1 -
"Aggi..It is quite a beautiful name but probabably won't work for me. McKenzie Aggi...hmm I was thinking McKenzie Hope sounded good."
1 -
"93% The Geek :P"