WyRepublic's Profile

Joined on Nov 24, 2010
Status Level: Novice
Level-up Progress:
14-Year Club
WyRepublic's Quizzes
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WyRepublic's Recent Posts
"No hikky.xD 12"
"Yeah it is. Still scary though. Sorry for the random account changes.xD Taking my quiz multiple times.lol"
"Your very lovely Natalia, just try to be less violent and maybe other's would...er be kinder?How do I word it nicely..."
"*sniffles* NATALIA! :P"
"But-but Why! Me:Ever heard of WyXsealand? "
"*points to Hat* :O You killed Sealand!?"
"Glad Heph's dead... e.e "
"Hello! I'm Hephaestuschild, Call me Heph. (I'm on a different account,lol)"
"*facepalm* What Heph? Principality of Wy reporting....unwillingly."
"I want india....lol (I bet you 5$ I'm in the Wy account...-_-)"
"WTF! No i did'nt Heph..-_-"
"Brother! *jumps on his back* "
"*drinks punch* Ha! *sits with Australia* "
"Yes, what Are you saying, girl?"
WyRepublic's Recent Quiz Comments
"Teresa La Greene.^^"