Wveebn's Profile
Joined on Sep 28, 2013
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
11-Year Club
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Wveebn's Recent Posts
"wut du sut"
"u gazy"
"I prefer to wank off."
"*on Gotcha fool"
"wtf stop being so cray cray"
"Now stop annoying me eue"
"This is why when I troll you don't know who I am. Yes, I am Geek."
"That sounds like some overly complicated nip shiat."
"I more of thought of myself as doing mimes o.o Brilliant pinochio sex scene, that german yodeler a--hole makes pinochio lie and stick"
"*to I corrected a correction #mindblown #rockstar98imitation"
"Oh yeah a--hole eue"
"I don't need to speak that crap eue"
"eue I knew you were to idiotic to be fooled by me eue back to Fairy Tale on youtube."
"eue Being lesbians perfectly normal ewe"
"And a yippy ki yay for good f---ing measure."
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