woodnicole7's Profile


Joined on Feb 14, 2012
Status Level: Experienced

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woodnicole7's Recent Posts

  • "Even though heaven and he'll aren't real in my opinion... I'm totally going to Hell XD"
  • "OMG, everyone calls them shrinks. Its called Lingo! Ever watch the TV show Bones?"
  • "I think I just died laughing"
  • If there is a next life
    "If reincarnation was real, which it probably isn't, I'd want to b a house cat. THEY GOT IT GOOD"
  • Am I the only Atheist?
    "ATHEISM!!! :)"
  • "I go up onto the to of the Eiffel tower and take aim at Ke$ha's head. Then fire"
  • "@barberbob omg those were the best answers ever"
  • Atheism in 60 seconds
    "That's awesome"
  • "O and @geek... Seriously? There's this thing called freedom of Religion and Freedom of Speech, do don't freak out on someone voicing their o..."
  • "I have to say... @wanderer17, @barberbob2, @carri04, and @fullmetal... U guys have some serious balls to say that stuff... I HAVE RESPECT FO..."
  • Listen up, fags.
  • Secrets
    "When my mom cries, I have to hold her hand and suck it up. Then when she's cried enough, I sing to her and read her poetry. O and@Bia"
  • name your crush
    "Aww... Does she know that? :)"
  • name your crush
    "So, I know that if you like someone but are afraid to tell your friends or parents, it can be extremely annoying not to say anything. So her..."
  • Secrets
    "I feel responsible for my cat's death I'm terrified of snakes I hate that I can't stand up for other people that aren't popula"

woodnicole7's Recent Quiz Comments
