woodnicole7's Profile

Joined on Feb 14, 2012
Status Level: Experienced
woodnicole7's Quizzes
- does your life actually suck?[published: Nov 07, 2013, 4 comments]
does your life really suck. or are you just a melodramatic whiney teenager. I know too many people……
- does your life ACTUALLY suck?[published: Jun 22, 2013, 3 comments]
I know this site has a lot of teenage visitors and teenagers tend to be overdramatic. I made this……
- Do you hate your teacher?[published: Jul 20, 2012, 6 comments]
This quiz is to show how much you hate your teacher. We had a teacher that we absolutely hated. She……
- Which of my teachers are you like?[published: Mar 21, 2012, 2 comments]
I know you're not reading this, so...........................................................……
woodnicole7's Recent Posts
"Even though heaven and he'll aren't real in my opinion... I'm totally going to Hell XD"
"OMG, everyone calls them shrinks. Its called Lingo! Ever watch the TV show Bones?"
"I think I just died laughing"
"If reincarnation was real, which it probably isn't, I'd want to b a house cat. THEY GOT IT GOOD"
"ATHEISM!!! :)"
"I go up onto the to of the Eiffel tower and take aim at Ke$ha's head. Then fire"
"@barberbob omg those were the best answers ever"
"That's awesome"
"O and @geek... Seriously? There's this thing called freedom of Religion and Freedom of Speech, do don't freak out on someone voicing their o..."
"I have to say... @wanderer17, @barberbob2, @carri04, and @fullmetal... U guys have some serious balls to say that stuff... I HAVE RESPECT FO..."
"When my mom cries, I have to hold her hand and suck it up. Then when she's cried enough, I sing to her and read her poetry. O and@Bia"
"Aww... Does she know that? :)"
"So, I know that if you like someone but are afraid to tell your friends or parents, it can be extremely annoying not to say anything. So her..."
"I feel responsible for my cat's death I'm terrified of snakes I hate that I can't stand up for other people that aren't popula"
woodnicole7's Recent Quiz Comments
"I will burn in Hell if it means I have common sense and believe people should be able to love who they want. because that sounds like…"
1 -
"I will burn in Hell if it means I have common sense and believe people should be able to love who they want. because that sounds like…"
1 -
""They may see you as fun to be around, yet they just can't picture being anything more than friends."
forever alone..."
1 -
"sorry, but, dead wrong. I hate new trends and I love the 1800s"
1 -
""There's always plastic surgery"??? screw you."
1 -
"Good diagnosis. I do have brain cancer. (I already knew before this quiz, I was testing you). but dont feel bad, I had radiation and…"
2 -
" blue. completely false"
2 -
" disease... that's how I was dying in real life earlier this year..."
1 -
"75% wasn't true... Selina"
1 -
"0%? fixed"