WOLF7567 V2's Profile
WOLF7567 V2
Joined on Mar 23, 2013
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
12-Year Club
WOLF7567 V2's Quizzes
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WOLF7567 V2's Recent Posts
"Sweet girl, just smoke some weed and you'll feel better :)"
"Fuck this bullshit. -.-"
"Their should be a Fellings Forum called... DUN DUN DUN WE ARE SCREWED."
"Itsa a red and purplish shade... Link: (read ALL text before clicking link.) https :// [no urls] / wa"
"I now know who I am going to try to hack....."
"Weaux I know you ;D Queen Okay, and spell correctly and get some grammar."
"Yes. I has a nipple gun!"
"Dayum. How you guess the correct one? Like info, personality crap etc."
"BULLSHIT! *shoots nipple gun*"
"NIALLER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (its Matt)"
"Send an E-Mail to me how to hack."
"Queen maybe, I shouldn't. And,I can tell by your stupidity you can't even take a simple joke."
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