Winxlover's Profile

Joined on Aug 12, 2014
Status Level: Novice
Winxlover's Quizzes
- Promised Revenge (Warrior cats again XD)[published: Oct 02, 2014, 4 comments]
What happens to Raven, Scourge's secret daughter, during the Darkest Hour? How does she……
- My favourite warrior cats!![published: Sep 24, 2014]
Why I made this quiz: I was watching top ten evil warrior cats, then noticed a video about……
- Which Omen of the Stars character are you?[published: Sep 21, 2014, 2 comments]
Which OOTS character are you? Are you the blind Jayfeather (the blind Jayfeather……
- What is your warrior name?[published: Sep 21, 2014, 1 comment]
Are you writing a warrior cat fanfiction? Couldn't think of any good names? Can't think of an……
- Which superpower do you have?[published: Aug 13, 2014, 1 comment]
Have you ever wanted a superpower? I'm telling you, there are many many many powers in the world.……
Winxlover's Recent Posts
"yes yes yes"
"UGH [poll.ykw]"
"i hate my profile pic so much"
"whats up with my profile pic really why is it a broken screen"
"maybe like silver or blue... wait i got it NAVY BLUE!"
"PLOT ONE: C1 likes exploring, and one day, she bumped into C2. C2 asks C1 her name, and asks her if she would want to help him with f"
"SOMEONE KNOWS ME!!!! AND HE/SHE [not sure] RATED ME FIVE!!!!! btw, i think 4."
"jeans and a gray shirt with a fluffy light gray sweater and pink socks"
"oops im on my other account its frustrating how im on winxlover suddenly and scourgelover."
"Sorry I had to sleep pheonix you can join"
Winxlover's Recent Quiz Comments
"I don't think everybody who took this quiz loved percy jackson... EVEN THOUGH PJO RULES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!! "
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"Why did someone start talking about zoe nightshade randomly... although she is a really cool hunter of artemis. also nice quiz"
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"clown... seriously... "
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"All the answers are the same"
1 -
"100 out of 100 and I didn't even read into the wild. I read the whole of omen of the stars and started NP. I read the first book of Teapot…"
1 -
"Yay! I won on my first try!"
1 -
"I bet I'm younger than all of you. But.. I got 11th to college..."
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"Girl. Not boy."
1 -
"Oops I'm sorry I made a mistake. BloodClan moved to the lake but they still live in Twolegplace.. Weird."
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"Oops wrong grammar! I'll try to make a short quiz, not I try."