My favourite warrior cats!!

Why I made this quiz: I was watching top ten evil warrior cats, then noticed a video about someone's favorite and least favorite cats. I decided to make

something like it. But I didn't know how to make a video. So I made this quiz and when I finished, well, here I am, telling you why I made this quiz. Hope you enjoy!

Created by: Winxlover
  1. So, read the title.
  2. My tenth favorite is hollyleaf.
  3. My ninth is Lionblaze.
  4. Actually, let's switch Lionblaze and Hollyleaf around, Kay?
  5. My eighth is Blossomfall (cuz I WUV her name).
  6. My seventh is... BRICK! Surprised? Oh, is he/she a boy or girl? I call her girl :)
  7. Sixth is... Bone? (if you red question eight and this then you won't be surprised what my favorite is)
  8. Fifth is... Mistystar! Cuz she's nice!
  9. Fourth is...Dovewing! Cuz she's main character of OTS!
  10. Now the top three....
  11. Third... IVYPOOL! Cuz she brave and dovedove's sissy!
  12. Second...... JAYFEATHER! Cuz he's grumpy and blind and he wuvs sticky!
  13. And first... Eighth and ninth question give a clue... My sixth favorite is the cat closest to him... Can you guess?? OF COURSE! SCCCOOOUUURRRGEEE!!! Cuz he is awesome! If people say he's very evil, I get happy!

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