Wind Doll's Profile

Wind Doll
Joined on Jun 5, 2015
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
9-Year Club
Wind Doll's Quizzes
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Wind Doll's Recent Posts
"Why would I want that? They lived their lives and died with honor. The only reason I'm alive is because of a self centered demon."
"Forgive me. I meant a woman of her standing. [ouch I'm offended Wind] I would hope so."
"You're a thousand years too late, they're all dead."
"I treasure people, like my clan. Not silly objects."
"The fact that you're so emotionally attached to a piece of glass is mind numbingly simple minded. [be nice Wind] "
"Memory: *shakes head* Go away."
"*slaps your hands*"
"*hisses right back*"
"Memory: This memory is a memory of pain. There is nothing beneficial from keeping me. *tilts head, suddenly room darkens again, changing to ..."
"[tempted to slap the beaker out of his hands]"
"Memory: Do you really think she'd want this one? *shakes head repeatedly* No, it's better this way."
"Memory: Go away! Why won't you go away?!"
"Memory: *starts screaming at the top of her lungs, anytime you attack any part of the memory, injuries appear on her skin*"
"Memory: That doesn't matter. To help her, you have to control this memory. And I won't let you. You won't control me. *defiant glare which d..."
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