Whoa Whoa's Profile
Whoa Whoa
Joined on Nov 17, 2013
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
11-Year Club
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Whoa Whoa's Recent Posts
"I saw the sign."
"She's gone tomorrow boy."
"Haven't lost it. Unless you count my phalanges as sexual partners."
"I figure if I'm alive it's kind of meant to be. When I die, then I'll be dead. While I'm living, I'll keep living."
"The 80s and 90s would have been rad."
"Forever Young - Alphaville"
"3rd grade was terrible."
"You're assuming all guys are the same and have a basic set of standards just because they are male. What do girls want in a guy? That all de..."
"Whoaaaaa oh oh whoaaaaaaa"
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