Whatthefukbro's Profile

Joined on Feb 12, 2014
Status Level: Newbie
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11-Year Club
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Whatthefukbro's Recent Posts
"I wouldn't really care. I don't know what's going on, and even if I did, I wouldn't be able to do half of the... Things I had to do. I'm a b..."
"Gracious... Aren't you Hindu? Geek... Don't do that. That will only get you less popularity. You hacked UnLoving's account, ("
"Am I voted off? :3"
"MineCraft! Just had to do that."
"Just look it up. It's site should be... "2 girls 1 cup.wm" or some-thing."
"Right? Christianity has SO many holes in their... I would call it a theory, but it's just a religion w/out a theory, so... Yeah."
"(What year is it? I'd suggest like... 2027 or 2054.)"
"Water sunk under the lake top, beginning to really feel the cold. She shivered and held her breath, counting moons while she was at it...."
"Water padded hastily through the cold lake, zipping through the water. She did a few of these exercises, then began dunking her-self under-w..."
"(Sweet.) Water walked back to the rouge camps, surpirised about all that happened. She remembered how she could only breathe "
"(So who controls 'Misty' and 'Crowfrost'? You control them both?)"
"(I thought Angel Fox controlled them. Dummy me's confused. :I)"
"(You controlled both of them?)"
Whatthefukbro's Recent Quiz Comments
"Gracious... That didn't even make sense."