what a long name's Profile

what a long name
Joined on May 5, 2020
Status Level: Newbie
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what a long name's Recent Quiz Comments
"Kawaii or Anime
none i like both"In response to TherianGirl:
"So this wasnt very accurate, and didnt give me…"
1 -
"Are You Good, Evil Or Neutral?
Your Result: Evil 76%Oh dear... You are evil. Thus, you are a cruel, unkind, negative,…"
In response to zmhalover_bakuz:
"Evil 84% 67% Neutral 28% Good Oop guess Im…"
2 -
"Your crush likes you 64%! 64%
Great, your crush is interested in you. You can take a step ahead and build some tension between…"
In response to zmhalover_bakuz:
"Your crush likes you 74%! 74%
Now that's…"
1 -
"i slso got 0%"
1 -
"same i have like 1 dress in my closet and i have it from a gift thats it"
In response to zmhalover_bakuz:
"YAAAASSSSSS 5% I hate being girly no offence…"
1 -
"im bi but more les so be you"
In response to GirMM:
"Your score is14%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 14%…"
1 -
"Your score is0%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 0%
Are you sure youre not a guy doing this JK youre just not very girly I wish I could be…"
1 -
"i so agree"
In response to KarmaGHassassin:
"actually i am not interested in boys.
I'm a…"1 -
"i agree with zmhalover_bakuz i hang out with both boys and girls you got my age group but i am bi i have an ex girlfriend and im bi so…"
1 -
"i didnt get anyone i like cuz i like spider man or black widow"