Werm's Profile

Joined on Jun 20, 2020
Status Level: Junior
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Werm's Quizzes
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Werm's Recent Posts
"I am not a centipede! I am but a simple worm"
"I too am a worm, but with legs"
"Oh my gods a worm!"
"I am a better werm than this wermington"
"I wanna be a worm when I grow up"
"Worm is my favorite mod"
"They call me earthworm len ............... Yeah"
"Oh my God it's worm!"
"Professional development day no school because teachers are preparing"
"I know! Aren't they amazing"
"And you're not benny worm"
"But you're not a cosmic worm"
"Worm is the great father of the cosmic worms and you are not Worm, you're not even a cosmic worms, you're not even benny worm"
"Don't slander the great ones @supreme worm >:("
"That's rough"
Werm's Recent Quiz Comments
"This quiz makes Lutherans sound stubborn and annoying"
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