WerewolfGirl45's Profile

Joined on Oct 13, 2015
Status Level: Novice
WerewolfGirl45's Quizzes
- Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone[published: Nov 10, 2015, 1 comment]
I love harry potter! Who doesn't? It's awesome. Let's see how you do on this quiz on the……
- What Should You Be For Halloween?[published: Oct 16, 2015, 3 comments]
Many people like Halloween, right?! I do. I love dressing up, but many times it is hard to……
WerewolfGirl45's Recent Posts
"You spelled sense wrong."
"My sister said she doesn't. Me and my friend are offended."
"Not sure if I spelled that right."
"How about patented?"
"Me and one of my bffs like it!"
"Same Dc's vans and addidas are my favorite shoes"
"And shoes"
"I mean would you rather, sorry"
"Be able to take pictures with your eyes, or have an iPhone built into your left hand?"
"I don't wanna go if it happens. EmilyVampire wants to go. I DO NOT! IT'S DUMB! MY CLASS ISN'T EIGHTH GRADE YET, EITHER!!!!!!!!!!"
"Dies, but wolf spirit remains You got to admit, though, wolf spirit are cool"
"(Growls and attacks!) "
"I mean hey!"
WerewolfGirl45's Recent Quiz Comments
"Unique style
I guess soSkinny jeans and a baggy sweatshirt or t shirt or a shorter t shirt
My favorite shoes are…"
1 -
"My mom got an 80%, but I KNOW she's WAY better than that. She taught good chefs how to cook better! I'm not even kidding!"
1 -
"RAVENCLAW!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!"
1 -
"Thanks!!!! I am a wolf! Considering I howl at the moon, I believe it."
1 -
"Harry Potter!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!
I like Luna Lovegood, but Harry Potter is obviously awesome!"
1 -
"Well, I disagree with you ICHEER! I liked the quiz! Keep it up!"
1 -
"I got 100%! Great quiz!"
1 -
"Vampires rule"
1 -
"I got Klaus! He's awesome! I can see how we are alike, even if I'm a girl! Great quiz!"
0 -
"I do go from group to group, and grade to grade."