The Pottter Quiz

There are a lot of smart people and Harry Potter fans which is why i wrote this quiz (and because I love Harry Potter) Now are you going to qualify this quiz or not.

Are YOU a genius or not. Thanks to this wonderful quiz you can find out if you have the brainpower or not. You would only be able to wonder if you have or not until now...

Created by: Piper

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is a bezoar
  2. What is Ron's mum's name?
  3. What is Quidditch?
  4. What was Harry's Christmas present from the Dursley's?
  5. Who is the Hogwarts Headmaster?
  6. What house is Harry in?
  7. Who is Aragog?
  8. Who is Fang?
  9. What is a muggle?
  10. Which 2 brothers don't live with Ron?

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