WeepingWillow's Profile

Joined on Aug 14, 2013
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
11-Year Club
WeepingWillow's Quizzes
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WeepingWillow's Recent Posts
"Lee: ...Names. ... Aden: Nu-uhhhhh. *licks again* ... Roy: ...Hm. That name so"
"Kason: *steps through*"
"*there* Nopenopenope. No one can go fishing today. My crazy sister decided to make it flood. So unless you want to be a fish"
"Lee: *soft noise* *then a giggle fit* ... Aden: HEY! *licks back* (Probably. Taylor a"
"River: ...Nope. It's his. Darrel: I'm not an it, girly. *hiiisss* Alicia: My head hurts..How could he..I mea"
"Noah: Yes, princess? ... *she can't move her arms now* *panic* H-hey! Losers. You all"
"Noah: Nono, most women give birth without a problem. And you probably;y wont get pregnant anyways. Too young. ... "
"Noah: *facepalm* Who told you that? ..Raven. *loud sigh* ... N-no. I'm not taking off my clothes, and neither"
"Noah: *kisses the top of her head* We'll talk to your daddy later. May said he was a bloody mess...*sighs* Sleep, for now. ."
"Grey: *haha, he's stronger than her, so yeah* *keeps going~* Damn. Almost as good as Kass. ... *she's being "
"Carter: *speeds up a bit* Grey: ...You're being too slow. *pulls him off of her, taking his place* *already undressed, yo* *m"
"Watching the kids sleep, so yeah, same. xD"
"Carter: *kisses her ear* I'm sorry, sweetheart. *and then starts moving, slowly at first* ... *pushed, yelps y"
"Sup? Other than being sick."
"Carter: *and then, very slowly and gently moves into her, stroking her hair all the while* (Carter's a nice rapist. x3) "
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