Wedgienator44's Profile

Joined on May 7, 2021
Status Level: Newbie
Wedgienator44's Quizzes
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Wedgienator44's Recent Quiz Comments
"88% awesome not sure about at school with teacher though but other than that just great"
1 -
"79% really hard awesome"
1 -
"I got griffindor I have been given either griffindor or Hufflepuff before"
1 -
"I got 68% sounds great"
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"I got 65% I was hoping for worse but should be great anyway"
1 -
"Were you actually told to do this or did the result of the quiz tell you"
In response to Belem:
"You have been naughty, boy/girl. I want you get…"
1 -
"Sounds painful but great"
In response to Demon_XLII:
"How a reaaly bad and naughty boy/girl. Now go…"
1 -
"I got terrible spanking awesome sounds so painful but so good and awesome as well yay"
1 -
"your score is 36%! 36%
you are getting 10 minute spanking with belt over my knee and you are grounded for 2 weeks. every time you…"
2 -
"Your Result: Super Awful Spanking 79%
Pull down your pants! Your panties too! Since you refuse to do the right thing it's ntime…"