webshine's Profile

Joined on Mar 17, 2013
Status Level: Novice
webshine's Quizzes
- what is your patronus (harry potter)[published: Apr 27, 2013, 5 comments]
i know your thinking, oh not another patronus test, but i have tried to make mine acurate,……
- Which Cake Are You[published: Mar 17, 2013, 3 comments]
Ever wondered what type of cake you are? Well no, probably not, but still, why not find out. In this quiz……
webshine's Recent Posts
"ether who?"
webshine's Recent Quiz Comments
"i know you sometimes get a joint top result. i did this on purpose so if you don't like the one you get, you can choose one of the others."
1 -
"thanks for taking my quiz, i really appreciate it. XD"
1 -
"thanks, glad you like my quiz!"
1 -
"sorry but have you atually read the books? you didn't really have enough questions or results for this to be acurate, and by the way is…"
1 -
"omg you're right, do you know me????????????
LOL Z"1 -
"i really want to have a wolf, but none of the quizes say i should. me go cry now. ): D: "
1 -
"i loves warrior cats, and cool quiz btw."
2 -
"you just use the fav flavor options"
1 -
"err..... what was that quiz about?????????"
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"how come you only have 8Qs? i thought you had to have 10"