Web's Profile

Joined on Aug 1, 2013
Status Level: Advanced
Level-up Progress:
11-Year Club
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"Ok I got it lol"
"Your profile picture, I’m curious to what it is"
"Jacob, what’s ur pfp?"
"I only cried when Sushi died. He was my baby"
"I wish Thor!X was here, I kinda miss him. We felt like best friends, I dunno if he thought I was his friend or not. Something along those li..."
"I miss Sushi. He was a good fish. Very unique 😔"
"Tbh, I’m not super sad about it. My sister got really upset, I got a little tearful seeing her cry."
"Eek, forgot to say, I’m Cham"
"Lol, kinda funny, whenever I say something stupid you always seem to come online 😂"
"The raccoons came tonight, and killed one of our fish. We forgot to cover the pond, and my dad turned on the patio lights right after they c..."
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