watashiwahyo's Profile
Joined on Jan 1, 2018
Status Level: Newbie
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7-Year Club
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"Hey ho"
"Um, hehehe, can you teach me how to start?)"
"Looks like a character I know I mean 9"
"I am not done reading the darn thing yet!!! My brains a mess rite now. Otoke??"
"I'm sowi~~~~not sowi. I just downloaded some more fanfics that are up to 60 pages on quotev and wattpad. And I'm going to read "
"Who starts? *squints eyes* Don't you dare say me?"
"*hugs back* *realises what you just said* *pulls away from hug and punches your arm*"
"Oh my gawd, hell naw *covers ears*"
"Okay. Then add this. [no urls]"
"*gasps* I'm gifted....."
"maybe you're not even wearing a shirt, who knows?"
"Name: Cherry Age: 21 Nationality: Um, american. Appearance: s--- hold up Clothes (dressy): -_- Country/town th"
"Same thing over here. School resumes next week...........sadly. Text based or not. I see you. I see everything. ;) "
"Ladies first."
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