VividLotus's Profile

Joined on Aug 26, 2015
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
9-Year Club
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VividLotus's Recent Posts
"And there's more leftover muffins. Too good to be true. Is this a trap?"
"29.90 If I were one of your parents, I would faint at the price. Good luck."
"I drew something but it doesn't look correct."
"what's that"
"A made-up character of mine, called "Lotus". She's an EDM artist. [img][no urls][/img] [no urls] I've been very"
"if ya know what I mEAN YUP ;)"
"f--- this I'm to ADHD to sit put in a single thread for the rest of my life"
"I wanna know what that song call from this retro movie called "Mama Mia"? Is it actually called the same thing as the movie title or is it c..."
"^That was Seth(RainInTheShadows) if you were wanting to know who liked Ace Attorney."
"all aROUND ME allergic 2 froot"
"lmao sorry I just stopped carrying about thinking at the moment I meant my ass oh okay tHANKS for the info scrub"
"oHHH okay I thought we called them newbs"
"idk man probably from ass"
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