Virizion's Profile

Joined on Sep 7, 2012
Status Level: Experienced
Level-up Progress:
12-Year Club
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Virizion's Recent Posts
"Virizion Pokemon"
"Excuse me for trying to help. And I realize that, Ninetails. But Charmanders body is niether made of flame, nor can Magikarp control fire..."
"*uses vines and grabs Charmander, tugging him out of the water*"
"o.o *stares at Magikarp*"
"Humans don't listen very well."
"Go away human."
"*glares at Viktor* I wouldn't do that if I were you.."
"*sitting at the edge of pond* ...Viriz?"
"*joins Ninetails in watching*"
"*tilts head at people, then backs up into bushes* I wonder if Cobalion and Terrekion are bothered this much..."
"Why exactly am I pathetic? *tilts head, annoyed*"
"*sighs, turning around and looking at them all, then turning to Mewtwo* What's pathetic? *turns to look at dr"
"*glances over should at dragon ember, then stops* Hm? And why should I~?"
"*begins to head back to his secluded clearing*"
"*stands up, darting off into trees, leaving only a red rose were he stood*"
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