VampyreAir's Profile


Joined on Nov 28, 2010
Status Level: Newbie

14-Year Club
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VampyreAir's Quizzes

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VampyreAir's Recent Posts

  • "LOL I do too, though my teachers conviscate them from me.... "
  • uhh is anyone on?
    "Oops, Wrong account..I'm Heph."
  • uhh is anyone on?
    "I know! *still searching*"
  • HA!
    "(Oh, ya, I'm"
  • HA!
    "Really!? OMG, Ana will have to kill herself now...How could you!?"
  • "Rofl, that's already been said.. Dashing through the sand, With a bomb strapped to my back, I've got a nasty plan,"
  • Soap Opera Time!!!!!!!!
    "Oh, I hate late posts..Bye Ting! Gaia shook her branches, then whispered to the crow, telling it to find somewhere else to ne"
  • Soap Opera Time!!!!!!!!
    "*writes block* HAT! You gave me writers block, it's contagious...-_-"
  • "Read the books, nothing is predictable about them...Circe, polythemus, Godlen fleece, Guinea pig Percy, and in the lost hero roman god's com..."
  • Soap Opera Time!!!!!!!!
    "I love parties, I love that you can be random, and no one Eh, at least my friends don't care, thier the personification of "
  • Soap Opera Time!!!!!!!!
    "Rontu blinked as a crow landed on the apple tree and stared at him.. "Oh God! Not another one!"He said, running back into the forest."
  • "I wear sports bra's and I can't remember anyting... Yesh, but I feel awkward..All the other girls are older then me and have to stuff"
  • I'm not your friend
    "-_- I never can talk to you..your so random it's"
  • Soap Opera Time!!!!!!!!
    "Lucky..My parents are soo annoying..the only party's I've gone to are school related...Ugh. Oh, I'm heph.xD"

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