vampgirl14's Profile

Joined on Aug 20, 2009
Status Level: Advanced
vampgirl14's Quizzes
- Do you Know Jason Aldeans lyrics[published: Nov 23, 2010, 3 comments]
Some people Know country music some know pope but pop isnt gonna get you a good scor onthis……
- do you know my favorite song lyrics?[published: Oct 02, 2009, 7 comments]
these are some of my fave songs that i apsolutely love most of them are country but i love……
- r u most like someone i hate or one of my friends?????????/[published: Aug 20, 2009, 17 comments]
ok i have lots of friends i only put a few on here though tooo many……
- how hostile r u[published: Aug 17, 2009, 8 comments]
there are goody two shoes and hostile people a goody two shoes is someone who loves everyone and everything and……
- Wat Twilight Charcter Are You[published: Aug 16, 2009, 4 comments]
I love twilight so I decided to make a twilight quiz. If you love twilight come take the quiz . If……
vampgirl14's Recent Posts
"hey jack its me im back:))))) i miss you so come back its your best friend v so come here and talk to me:)"
"hey jack its me im back:))))) i miss you so come back its your best friend v so come here and talk to me:)"
"hey jack its me im back:))))) i miss you so come back its your best friend v so come here and talk to me:)"
"he jack im back:))))) i miss you its your best friend v come talk to me please:)"
"ya maybe"
"lol well then i might remember you but idk and yay he might be here soon i miss him i wish he was on"
"he was????? yay mybe hell get on soon"
"ugh i miss him :( and what was you first profile blacky chan"
"nice to meet you too hey have you seen jack?"
"hey its all good i dont know who yall are"
"blackchan but it says 10 not 09?"
"well technicallly when i was on here none of you were here so ya yall are strangers to me"
"alright then just making sure and who are you people"
vampgirl14's Recent Quiz Comments
"jack i will never forget you i hope to see you everyonce in awhile in our forum
i miss you i hate notbeing able to talk to you…"
1 -
"omg jack that quiz was awesomde"
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"You Are 90% Country
I am so proud! You are country thru and thru! You are most likely damn proud of it, and you should be.…"
1 -
"i gotta guy and ima girl but heck ima tomboy soo i guese they got that right "
1 -
"i got b or t and my bf name starts wit t scary"
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"ya i got country girl which is true but i dnt live out in the country but i cant stand th city its too crowded but wen im olderr i am livin…"
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"ok my name aint kathhy it aint even close"
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"hey i was listenin to the songs wen i did this quiz so they r right "
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"hey i was listenin to the songs wen i did this quiz so they r right "
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"omg u gotta be kiddin me i love country its awesome my fave country song is big green tractor"