Valkyrie_Blossom's Profile
Joined on Jun 4, 2020
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
4-Year Club
Valkyrie_Blossom's Quizzes
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Valkyrie_Blossom's Recent Posts
"Take your time aha I'll probsbly hsbr mine done tomorrow sometime)"
"Sure (to both) (:"
"There lies a nation to the far north. A nation that threatens everything that we know of. Threatens how we live. They bring with them chaos ..."
"/\ .."
"Valkyrie stared at the purple creature in confusion with her head slightly tilted to the side. "Void sprite? Pharoah? What..." She said quie..."
"Looks nice Give me a moment to think, I just woke up from a nap lol"
"Ahh, coolio! Did you make them/draw them yourself? Youre good with just starting randomly, yeah? I'm too lazy to think "
"[No plot. Just (ask first), make a character, and go from there maybe]"
"https ://www .gotoquiz .com/forum/role-playing/277928-rpsoap/thread .html"
"Valkyrie Blossom Age: 24 Sexuality: Lesbian Profession: Thief [no urls] Likes: ANYTHING chocolate, bunnies, pa"
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