vaan32's Profile
Joined on Jul 28, 2012
Status Level: Newbie
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vaan32's Recent Quiz Comments
An ambitious Shadowclan cat, you are a lanky buff-tabby with light green eyes, and are power hungry. Youre strong, and…"
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You are a dark tabby tom with amber eyes. You are mysterious, and practically never talk. You are a strong fighter,…"
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"Your a brown tom with a fluffy tail and orange eyes. Your clever and sneaky and you enjoy a good fight, no matter what the cost. Your a…"
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Oh my. your a giant dark brown tom with green eyes. you will go to any clan who messes with your clan and do what you…"
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"Good quiz i got Needleclaw
You are black with silver paws and a silver tail. You have sun colored eyes and are a bright fun soul.…"
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"I got Shard
You are a loner. You terrorize the clans as though it were your life's passion. Your allies are non-existent. Although…"
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"This is what i got..heheheheh Eaglepelt
You are a strong white and brown tom with a feathery tail and amber eyes. You are strong…"
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"This is what i got...O_o?
ShadowpeltYou are a black cat with green ayes. You have a secretive attitude, and are not very…"