Utopia2246's Profile
Joined on Jun 20, 2015
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
9-Year Club
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Utopia2246's Recent Posts
"This thread is a place to put all the accounts you have that you either don't want anymore, or don't need. If you want to get rid of an acco..."
"I gtg, I might be on tonight though"
"Thanks, alex3000. And okay, if you wish. I gtg in a minute here anyways, the sun is coming up and I gtg do chores,"
"I am sorry.... I don't mean to be a pain. I will go if you don't want me."
"Cool ^-^ Erw, I see. Cool."
"Oh, I don't know, sorry."
"O.o ello alien. Sorta, I have been a talking the quizzes here for a week or so, but I was bored af so I came here and noticed the whole ac..."
"Hello random vampires online . 0-0 I am Emma and I guess you could say that I am your typical teenager, idk. So anyways hi, I don't know i..."
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