Unique2008's Profile

Joined on Nov 14, 2021
Status Level: Newbie
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Unique2008's Recent Quiz Comments
"Your Result: 10-13 88%
You will have love in the air at the age of 10-13, you will have an awesome boyfriend good luck!!! You…"
1 -
"What Is Your Dark Secret!!!!!?
Your Result: You Drink Out of The Toilet 91%We know that water tastes so fresh. But…"
1 -
"You got a 94% on this quiz! 94%
OMG!!!!! You and your crush are SSSOOOOOOOO meant to be together! You will live happily ever…"
1 -
"Your Result: He likes u/knows u like him 85%
He likes you! Yippe! He also knows that you like him! You know what this means??? If…"
1 -
In response to HiHowIsLife:
"I got Lorenzo. I'm also awkward. OwO"
1 -
"You probably wont read this anyway...."
2 -
"Hi, Im am Rose but I got logged out and couldnt remember my password. What is it?"
In response to Rose2021:
"Theres this boy that I sit next to in English.…"
2 -
"Your Result: Chaotic Good 54% "