unholy's Profile

Joined on Jan 1, 2021
Status Level: Junior
Level-up Progress:
4-Year Club
unholy's Quizzes
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unholy's Recent Posts
"wish I had an idea for a story rn"
"apparently it's not common for people to actively seek out new music??"
"oh wait I skipped dinner last night no wonder I'm hunger"
"really I've got no business wanting to go anywhere as sick as I am but I still have to go to work today and I'm thinkin real hard about brea..."
"honestly I'm not sure why I'm even thinking about doing music right now, I have strep and can't hit half the notes I normally could"
"I'm not dumb and you people can't dick me around."
"hark! it's done updating"
"im doing great"
"cant get high enough"
"why am i doing this"
"oh nice. i hope u had fun."
"hi usagi. whats up with you?"
"nvm novice is good enough to change my picture"
"my profile pic too"
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