Typicaltypotyper's Profile

Joined on Feb 15, 2022
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
3-Year Club
Typicaltypotyper's Quizzes
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Typicaltypotyper's Recent Posts
"Eeeeee June, heyo June how are you"
"M.r tybo tyber is bak!!!"
"You were exceeding the word limit lol"
"20 votes"
"Look guys, we can let some more votes in and see who wins that one."
"LOOK GYUS [poll.Uj3]"
"Don't kill them, please ðŸ˜"
"...Cham shall win"
"Okya, bye"
"I love axolotls, tho what are you gonna do if you are mayor?"
Typicaltypotyper's Recent Quiz Comments
"Think about your behavior. As in real life. From screaming in someone's space, to insulting/bullying me and others, all that bad stuff.…"
In response to ItsYaboiiTrem:
"It's not the mods fault. They were just doing…"
5 -
1 -
0 -
"That's wierd"
0 -
"(Same person)
Well, yeah."In response to TeaTime:
"Hey hey ignore that last comment Im sorry I was…"