Typhlosion's Profile
Joined on Nov 23, 2012
Status Level: Novice
Level-up Progress:
12-Year Club
Typhlosion's Quizzes
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Typhlosion's Recent Posts
"How do you make these polls?"
"How you doing?"
"Wasn't it obvious? :P"
"I'm sitting on my lazy ass and being a lazyass. Hehehehehe. I dunno. I thought it was obvious what I meant."
"I'm fine. I think that sentence offended them xD"
"How are your butts = How are you. Just in case."
"Hello people. How are your butts?"
"Typhlosion used eruption! More white stuff."
"Ok.We all know this."
"Aw yeah."
"Can't watch but I'll stalk anyway."
"No more..."
Typhlosion's Recent Quiz Comments
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