Tripp Lee's Profile

Tripp Lee
Joined on Jun 3, 2010
Status Level: Junior
Level-up Progress:
14-Year Club
Tripp Lee's Quizzes
- how tripp are you?[published: Jun 03, 2010, 5 comments]
ok are you tripp enough to be tripp look tripp act like tripp talk like tripp wack tripp torture tripp kiss……
Tripp Lee's Recent Posts
"lolz we werez sculpting in our art class lastz week,the head of ma personz kept fallingz off lolz. damn itz i gtgz byez byez "
"ikr!? SCI-FI RULEZ! i thinkz i knu wich onez you talkin about cuz me and my mom pass by a art museum wenz we go run errandz.y"
"jesh! background musik makez everythingz awesome! :D :D :D kinda likez thoze ninja moviez on the sci-fi channel lolz. zomgz!"
"omgz that sux,i wouldz of ranz in slow motion lolz :D cuz everything is funner wen its slow-mo-fiedz lolz."
"ya....he no longer haz to sufferz.. i wannaz do the samez but im afraidz he might pull outz a shot gun and shootz mez.luckyz!"
"*thinks* oh yeahz,i remember wenz you toldz me thatz! :D poorz snake thoughz... i nu! he lookz like a gorilla O.e and yez hez"
"i nu! all the teacherz suck XP exceptz my theatre arts teacher,she koolz.and ewwz i thinkz you told me about that coach beforez.mine yellz t..."
"XDD thatz funny.nowz if only i can get a huge monster truck to run over ma englishz teacher."
"XD i dream that someone ran over mez oncez..."
"homeworkz,and that bird outside ma windowz."
"Girls Not Grey-AFI"
"black t-shirt,grey jeans,black converse."
"zomgz i gtgz byez byez ppl! ^-^"
"@vamp.lolz i knu i waz laughing cuz my mom was all angry lolz. lolz yayz i got protection! ^-^ :D"
Tripp Lee's Recent Quiz Comments
"lolz i got toothpick"
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"chopz me into pieces....lolz nice quiz:D"
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"I got vampire."
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"i got 10% lmao! i just guessed."
1 -
"i got scorpio."
1 -
"i gots 75 i think,omg im gonna die. lol kool quiz."
1 -
"i dont even know this guy is lol,kool quiz."
1 -
"very lol."
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"i got skyler,pretty kool"
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"yay! im awsome! cool quiz sassy."