Tommy Ruin's Profile


Tommy Ruin
Joined on Jan 27, 2013
Status Level: Advanced

Level-up Progress:
12-Year Club
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Tommy Ruin's Quizzes

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Tommy Ruin's Recent Posts

  • "how would that even work"
  • down with the mods
  • im gay
  • yikes
    "this site is still a mess like always"
  • "what about ghetto"
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  • Don't mind me.
    "Number of quizzes: 24"
  • No Subject
    "Pretty much. But that's how it works. Dark: Mhm."
  • No Subject
    "It's not that peaceful. I have to make sure that the people don't come in the forest. They set fires to the trees. Kill animals. It's sad. B..."
  • No Subject
    "That's true, but I like to try and see how far I can go without anything happening. Life is a lot easier in the forest and castle. Oh..I lik..."
  • ^-^
    "Dark: :P"
  • ^-^
    "Dark: *shakes head*"
  • No Subject
    "I'm used to it. And I work with the forest. There's a lot of really big trees and animals out there. She's nothing compared to everything......"
  • No Subject
    "Yep. She does it all the time. She's gentle though. Unlike most people. It's too bad all I can do is hug her hand and fingers."

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