Tioatoa's Profile


Joined on Mar 20, 2022
Status Level: Novice

Level-up Progress:
3-Year Club
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Tioatoa's Quizzes

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Tioatoa's Recent Posts

  • Silridge
    "Absolutely not."
  • Silridge
    "He does not need more kids he can't even care for the ones he has."
  • Silridge
    "Can someone please hit Sgrios before he starts flirting with the new gods."
  • Silridge
    "I tolt you not to tell anyone!"
  • Silridge
  • Learning From The Past
    "Silph heard his voice and straightened up, looking around before smiling as he spotted the other. He waved, before going back to picking up ..."
  • Learning From The Past
    "Its fine)) Silph hummed softly as he walked, soon arriving at the park. He looked around, and then sighed when he saw some tras"
  • Silridge
    "*teleports You away*"
  • Silridge
    "I don't care get out of my office you absolutely degenerate"
  • Silridge
    "Yes?!?! Both of you stop it before I hurl you both into the sun"
  • Silridge
    ".... Why are you eating my paperwork???"
  • Silridge
    "...what are you eating?"
  • "Am- Am I wearing a bow tie and have extra eyes??"
  • Learning From The Past
    ""As I said, its no problem. I enjoy helping others" the short man said lightly, smiling at the other. At the point it had started sprinkling..."
  • Learning From The Past
    "Silph hesitated for a moment before taking his hand. Oddly, Silphs skin felt freezing cold despite the warm air around the."

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