Tioatoa's Profile

Joined on Mar 20, 2022
Status Level: Novice
Level-up Progress:
3-Year Club
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Tioatoa's Recent Posts
"Absolutely not."
"He does not need more kids he can't even care for the ones he has."
"Can someone please hit Sgrios before he starts flirting with the new gods."
"I tolt you not to tell anyone!"
"Silph heard his voice and straightened up, looking around before smiling as he spotted the other. He waved, before going back to picking up ..."
"Its fine)) Silph hummed softly as he walked, soon arriving at the park. He looked around, and then sighed when he saw some tras"
"*teleports You away*"
"I don't care get out of my office you absolutely degenerate"
"Yes?!?! Both of you stop it before I hurl you both into the sun"
".... Why are you eating my paperwork???"
"...what are you eating?"
"Am- Am I wearing a bow tie and have extra eyes??"
""As I said, its no problem. I enjoy helping others" the short man said lightly, smiling at the other. At the point it had started sprinkling..."
"Silph hesitated for a moment before taking his hand. Oddly, Silphs skin felt freezing cold despite the warm air around the."
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