tillerisaturtle's Profile

Joined on Apr 21, 2016
Status Level: Newbie

Level-up Progress:
8-Year Club
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tillerisaturtle's Recent Posts

  • Batman's Cave
    "im sorry i broke the promise about always beaing there for you school and stuff got in the way and you seem like you hate me and right now y..."
  • Batman's Cave
    "yea tyler you know the one who cheated on you........... ima go im sorry you dont rember me its whatever bye"
  • Batman's Cave
    "ive been on its ronnieradkefan ya know tyler ty ty not ring a bell jozy..."
  • "johnny depp"
  • Batman's Cave
    "dam its been 43 days wow"
  • Batman's Cave
    "ya wont belive me but its tyler miss meh"

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