Tigress's Profile

Joined on Jan 8, 2011
Status Level: Advanced
Tigress's Quizzes
- What Plants Vs Zombies Plant are You?[published: Mar 31, 2011, 10 comments]
Have you ever played Plants Vs Zombies? What level have you got to? What is your favorite……
- Do You Belong at the Great Ga'Hool Tree?[published: Mar 25, 2011, 1 comment]
In the world of Guardians of Ga'Hool there are many owls. Good owls, evil owls, and……
- What Greek Goddess are You?[published: Mar 25, 2011, 5 comments]
(These are NOT real) The Ancient Greeks beleved in Gods and Goddesses who were responcible for……
- What Mythical Creature Are You?[published: Feb 19, 2011, 6 comments]
Over the ages, there were stories of creatures of great magnificence. The dangerous and wise……
- What Dragon are You? (better quiz)[published: Jan 14, 2011, 6 comments]
Once there was a time where an ancient creature ruled the earth. They used their power to……
- What Wolf Are You?[published: Jan 08, 2011, 17 comments]
When the light fades across the tundra a creature emerges from its den and howls into the night. The wolf is……
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Tigress's Recent Quiz Comments
"Fluttershy? *Bursts into laughter* No way!
You should have probably expanded, the quiz was not accurate at all. 6/10"
1 -
"Goggles? *Raises Eyebrow* I guess my love for water is rubbing off on my personality, I was sure I was going to get something art-related.…"
1 -
"Hmm, could use a little more work and possibly some more questions to give a good awnser, and some of the questions seemed a little…"
1 -
"Heck yeah! Pegasus! 10/10"
1 -
"You know 91% TXT Language!
You know text language the best. congrats you should try a harder quiz. Congrats Congrats…"
1 -
Welcome to Gryffindor!Not only are you in the very best house, but you have the same answer as me! Now, your three best…"
1 -
"Lol. Hazel. That is SOOOOO me! "Mentally agile" "easily bored" :) (It's also my eye color!)"
1 -
"I'm a snow pea just so you know!"
1 -
"Im not a lion, I'm a wolf!"
1 -
"I won! I won! I won! I won! GREAT QUIZ!!!"