ThornOfRose's Profile
Joined on Apr 10, 2012
Status Level: Newbie
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12-Year Club
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ThornOfRose's Recent Posts
"I just bored. In crass with Jay Bird. He try take my phone cause I'm on Internet. .3."
"It just cookie. Make nother one. I go bed wiff Jay now. Goo nigh."
"What wrong wiff you?"
"Course. You no understand me accent."
"She terrs us what goes on. And made me this account. She's going to make one for Jay rater. :3 Then we'rr be aber to come on when we prease...."
"You shourd just ignore it. Then he'rr go away for good. Arough, I was rocking forward to rerieving some stress by yerring at the moron. My b..."
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