ThisWriter's Profile

Joined on Aug 18, 2014
Status Level: Advanced
Level-up Progress:
10-Year Club
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ThisWriter's Recent Posts
"yeah?? okay fine.. we'll see."
"W-WHAT.. NO I WASNT-- *coughs* hah, I actually was.. but I swear I softened up."
"Welcome to my OC world, Binah. ^0^ You'll be the seed and main OC like Pitch was!! Good luck, and don't die, okay? Binah: *blin"
"Hi, meet Binah! "
"Bear with me, okay?(no pun intended)"
"I'm sleepy"
"Phone dying.. Gotta switch to tablet."
"My watercolor pencils came in huuue"
"I wonder what tf is in store for us on Saturday? Proba a lecture on vocs."
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