ThisIsThe8BitMe's Profile
Joined on Apr 30, 2015
Status Level: Newbie
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ThisIsThe8BitMe's Recent Quiz Comments
"Viking! :-D"
1 -
"Fun-loving trickster? Nah. "
1 -
"Your Result: Peaceful Talker
You have contacted the Alien leader and convinced the leader to withdraw his units. The invasion is…"
2 -
"I got Chamomile. My personality is actually a mixture of Chamomile and Country Berry though. :-)"
1 -
"I got Role Model. :-)"
1 -
"The result was quite accurate and I liked it (I got Metal & Sneakers; was expecting fruity smells something like that, ha.)"
1 -
"Your Result: Middle
You would be most likely to sit in the middle. It's a little quieter and you get a chance to spread out so you…"
1 -
"Your Result: Splinter
You are the father of the turtles and you teach them everything they know about ninja. You are always calm…"
1 -
"Wow what? I'm not a bully. pfttt"
1 -
""Your Result: Violent!
You like games that are violent and bloody. you must be a pretty angry person and take out your wrath on…"