TheSilentMime's Profile

Joined on Oct 15, 2015
Status Level: Novice
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TheSilentMime's Quizzes
- Which Season are You?[published: Oct 16, 2015, 2 comments]
Everyone knows they come eventually, and there's no escape no matter how much you may hate some of them.……
TheSilentMime's Recent Posts
"Shame on that blanket! >:C"
"Oh no! :'( "Never trust a blanket" I always (never) say..."
"XD ... Sooooo..."
"Yeah XD"
"It's funny because I really do that XD"
"*laughs* Ah! *takes sudden deep breath* forgot to breathe again."
"XD *plugs nose*"
"XD *floats back down* Thank ye :3"
"No problem, and Thank you! :D"
"Ha! *falls in the sky* (because logic)"
"Ow! *pokes your forehead*"
"*pokes a bit faster*"
"Oh, are we going to start THIS again? *pokes*"
TheSilentMime's Recent Quiz Comments
"43% happy... Yep, that's about accurate, but it could be lower."