TheRedChord's Profile

Joined on Jul 20, 2010
Status Level: Newbie
14-Year Club
TheRedChord's Quizzes
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TheRedChord's Recent Posts
"'Sup, wait, Imma change accounts real quick."
"Comment removed by Chuck Norris"
"Comment removed by Chuck Norris"
"Word Steps R Ra Raw Rawr Rawrz"
"Tell me something I don't know."
"Word Steps L Lo Lov Love"
"Well did you like the fact that I was lying Ork, is that what you want, a big fat lie to fulfill your dirty needs, IS THAT IT!??!?!??"
"You never new him that's why dude."
"I think your awesome."
"C Cr Cra Crac Crack"
"Well, at least I was a different person, but you just bacam e a p---- dude, I hope you change though, and in a good way, and if you think th..."
"No, but he was a lot better than ork, and besides, I should stop; saying the new you and the internet you."
"Uh, YES??? Where were-oh ya"
"Yes you are, infact, your a p---- now. You were so much better as bob, I don't know how you could say you like the new you."
"No, ork"
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