The Ace's Profile


The Ace
Joined on Jan 19, 2013
Status Level: Newbie

Level-up Progress:
11-Year Club
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The Ace's Recent Posts

  • -sits on roof-
    "Ill gladly pull a Carter to allow my friends to get away."
  • No Subject
    "Decent. You?"
  • Soap..?
    "I lower my gun a tad, and follow the wolves. Hoping for the cliche take me to your leader thing is working."
  • No Subject
    "Actually its Brozenzky Square, derzenzky square is KGB HQ... Kinda my own spin my way."
  • No Subject
    "Brotato chip Broski Brozinsky Brosephina All of my bros."
  • Soap..?
    ""I mean you no harm, im just an, ambassador" I shout, raising my sub gun."
  • -sits on roof-
    "I guess its good, but I dont want to drag anyone down with me. Unless theyre the enemy... Thats a different story."
  • No Subject
    "Sup brotatochip? Its your old pal Reaper."
  • -sits on roof-
    "Dont quite know how to respond to that."
  • Soap..?
    "I step into the portal and come out the other side in a space of trees. Might as well go west, I start walking that direction, my sub gun in..."
  • -sits on roof-
    "Nice. But thats true, I want noone to cry at my funeral."
  • Soap..?
    "I watch as the seventh cheveron locks, and the blue portal opens. Hammonds last words playing out to me "Report back in 12 hours". I was car..."
  • -sits on roof-
    "Well, theres also the line from Life is Beautiful Will you swear on your life That no one will cry At mah funer"
  • Soap..?
    "Not it."
  • Soap..?
    "Name: Scott Mitchell Age: 20 Looks: Tall and lean, brown buzzcut, green camoflauge clothing with a black tactical vest, steel "

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