The_Coldest_Sun's Profile

Joined on May 15, 2014
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The_Coldest_Sun's Quizzes
- Which Homestuck Human are you?[published: Jun 09, 2015]
There are so many amazing Homestuck characters. The humans are very interesting and unique,as areā¦…
The_Coldest_Sun's Recent Posts
"I'm resigning as moderator. I've decided that this choice is beneficial to all concerned. Thank you for your time."
"I'm sorry it concerns you. I'll be back later, I'm going outside for a cigarette."
"I know you did pumpkin. I'm sorry."
"Yes, I will respond when I finish work. They're keeping me late tonight because apparently I can't drink alcohol on the premises or some s-..."
"so proud of you brown-brown"
"yo, I'm here bro"
"probably kish"
"I'm watching you, Pine."
"No, fck you"
"I have some good doubles yo"
"you have a short memory bro"
"You're both losers, I'm the original."
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