The14YearOldRidd's Profile
Joined on Dec 19, 2016
Status Level: Novice
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The14YearOldRidd's Quizzes
- Do You Know Basic English?[published: Dec 19, 2016, 1 comment]
So, you've come to see if you have a basic level of knowledge when it comes to English, huh? You will……
- How Stupid Are You?[published: Dec 18, 2016]
So, come to see if you're among the stupidest of the stupid? Or the thickest of the thick? Maybe you're just……
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The14YearOldRidd's Recent Quiz Comments
"Why are like 4 of the questions the same?"
1 -
"Wow. Umm, okay, Voldemort. Apart from the nose and being magic, I'd say that's pretty accurate"
1 -
"I get the feeling English isn't your first language. I mean, you said opera soap. And you said guards were in a school. Carry on, I guess."