ThatKaiserGuy69's Profile


Joined on Jan 20, 2020
Status Level: Novice

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5-Year Club
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ThatKaiserGuy69's Recent Posts

  • Students chat room.
  • Students chat room.
    "1.) It's in the usual pet cemetery you have behind that abandoned house. You stole something of mine, and I wanted it back, that's how I fou..."
  • Students chat room.
    "I mean, I do have proof, but I'll wait to show you that until your done talking to your bf"
  • Students chat room.
    "Are you still mad at Lemon for killing that puppy a couple nights ago?"
  • Students chat room.
    "It was damn good joke stfu๐Ÿ˜Ÿ"
  • Students chat room.
    "If I were you I'd stay a man so Paige never picks you up๐Ÿ˜Ÿ"
  • Students chat room.
    "Dude the sex ed teacher literally said that if you ever came in contact with a penis you'd get aids and die, wdym it wasn't a 65 year old vi..."
  • Students chat room.
    "Speaking of teachers, if Ironwood hired someone like me to teach sex ed, instead of a 65 year old virgin, teen pregnancy rates would drop."
  • Students chat room.
    "I mean if I was a teacher I'd "forget" Paige too"
  • Students chat room.
    "So if one of you don't confess, I'll force it out of you."
  • Students chat room.
    "Blythe and Ivy won't talk to me, and that's all that's you need to know."
  • Students chat room.
    "Who sent that video to Blythe?"
  • Students chat room.
    "Which one of you f---ers did it"
  • Students chat room.
    "I'm very confused."
  • Students chat room.
    "Who the f--- is Juno?"

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