That 1 therian's Profile
That 1 therian
Joined on Mar 5, 2023
Status Level: Newbie
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"Dude u should probably see a docter"
In response to June89:
"If I dont get mine for 8-12 months then i must…"
1 -
"Your Result: You Are BOTH 93%
resultYou Are BOTH. You are the fairy depends on how your feeling. You are the fairy that some…"
1 -
"Your mind is 27% healthy. 27%
Your mental health is quite poor. You are in a lot of distress and you are experiencing a lot of…"
1 -
"You have to go to a mental hospital by 25% ! 25%
hey you don't have to go to a mental hosputal just yet maybe still in the future…"
2 -
"You are 89% depressed. 89%
You are severely depressed. I want you to know you are amazing, beautiful, and worth it. I wasn't…"